5 Personal-Finance Habits of Wealthy Entrepreneurs
Just about every entrepreneur wants to see their business turn into the next Airbnb or Uber. While a successful startup relies on great marketing and delivering a needed product or service, this isn’t what necessarily makes the biggest difference for the bank accounts of the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs. In reality, accruing and maintaining wealth stems from smart personal-finance habits. Your startup doesn’t need to turn into a billion-dollar business for you to achieve your wealth goals. By implementing the same personal-finance habits used by many of the most successful entrepreneurs, you can dramatically improve your financial situation. Here are five to get you started. 1. Create a motivating list of money goals. As important as it is to have a budget, one area where the wealthy differentiate themselves is by having clear-cut money goals. Writing down a list of financial goals and reviewing them each day will give you a clear direction rega...